Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice and Oppression

There is one experience that I remember that happened to a family at the preschool where I work. I know this happens all of the time.  I heard it from a family in my classroom. While having a conversation with one of the two moms in this same sex relationship, she shared with me that it is obvious that they are targets of oppression. Lesbian and gay couples are not represented in any application forms and school paperwork. The paperwork asks you to fill in information regarding mom and dad. What if there are two dads or two moms? What if the family makeup is not the norm? It may seem like a small thing but it does show bias, prejudice and oppression.  
This specific incident diminished equity for lesbian and gay families as they are the victims of invisibility. It makes families feel not included and not recognized. They are not being respected and not being seen. The paperwork makes the assumption that all families consist of a mom and a dad. It sends a negative message to any family that does not fall into the norm.
Before this incident, it would have never occurred to me. It is part of a much larger problem. It made me feel sad that any family would feel discriminated against. I felt empathy for this family as I know that there are so many issues that same sex couples have to deal with that heterosexual couples do not even have to think about. There are so many diverse and unique families. It is not just about ethnicity, language, income level and religion. It is also about family makeup. All families want and should feel included and not made to feel invisible.

In this situation, in order to make a change that would be equitable, the school enrollment forms and paperwork would have to reflect a growing and diverse population. In this case, what would need to happen is that the school administration would have to be willing to reflect a changing population by saying Parent One and Parent Two. The school would need to make an effort to include all families. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I believe paperwork such as you referenced is not just oppressing gay or lesbian families but also single parent households as well. In my area paperwork is labeled as parent name and/or guardian rather then placing emphasis on gender or title of parent. I am actually surprised to hear that such labeling still exist specifying mom or dad. Thanks for sharing such a perspective on that, as I too could have overlooked it as it is apart of my norm not recognizing my norm is not like others.
